
Speaking Sentences Backwards
“[Haunting] points to the non-full, non-total presence of being. In every being there’s always already an absence of presence, an inheritance, a trace of that which was and that which is to come. In every being there is a haunting.”
– Ezekiel Dixon-Román in “Haunting, Blackness, and Algorithmic Thought”
Real Art Ways presents a group exhibition featuring Paloma Izquierdo, Miguel Gaydosh, Matthew Schreiber, Laura Henriksen, Jeremy Toussaint-Baptiste, and Dylan Hausthor, curated by Cody Boyce. An opening reception will be held Thursday, April 20, 6–10 PM during the monthly Creative Cocktail Hour event.
The works in Speaking Sentences Backwards are haunted: by history and myth, by extractive processes of capitalist industry, by anti-Black policing and government surveillance, by conspiracies both real and imagined. They are also haunted by possibility and loss, by futures promised but not yet realized.
Through photography, sculpture, video, sound, holography, poetry, and design, Speaking Sentences Backwards points to ephemeral traces at the periphery. The featured artists look to broaden thresholds of perception, receiving signals through environment, radio waves, sub-bass frequencies, interference patterns—the infra- and ultra- ranges of experience. These efforts are marked by a fixation with technologies of recording and transmission—mechanisms through which the invisible or intangible is captured and represented. They are also characterized by strategies of concealment and alteration, through which spaces of privacy and intimacy are claimed from existing structures.
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Photo Credit: John Groo
Supported by the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts.