Science on Screen: Evolution of Organic at Real Art Ways

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Science on Screen: Evolution of Organic

Real Art Ways begins this year’s series on the National Evening of Science on Screen.

Evolution of Organic is the story of organic agriculture, told by those who built the movement. A motley crew of back-to-the-landers, spiritual seekers and farmers’ sons and daughters reject chemical farming and set out to explore organic alternatives. It’s a heartfelt journey of change, from a small band of rebels to a cultural transformation in the way we grow and eat food. By now organic has gone mainstream, split into an industry oriented toward bringing organic to all people and a movement that has realized a vision of sustainable agriculture. It’s the most popular and successful outgrowth of the environmental impulse of the last fifty years. The film is narrated by Frances McDormand, and is funny and engaging as well as informative.

Speaker: Jeff Cordulack, Executive Director, Northeast Organic Farming Association (CT NOFA)
Topic: “How Organic’s Ways Will Create A Bright, Clean Future” – how organic farming and organic land management practices are the best solutions for feeding this and future generations, while also having the convenient side effect of contributing to the solution of the climate crisis.

The organic revolution has grown from a fanciful idea to our best choice for addressing global challenges. Meet CT NOFA Executive Director Jeff Cordulack when he explains how organic ways are the backbone of modern agriculture’s most promising projects and how it through Soil Carbon Restoration, organic farms can be managed to build topsoil and also be a carbon sink that has an ability to sequester giga-tons of carbon dioxide that is now wreaking havoc in atmosphere.

About the Speaker
Jeff Cordulack
is a Connecticut native interested in wildlife conservation, watershed protection, organic farming, and sustainable living. He has a BS Degree in Natural Resources Management and Conservation Biology from Colorado State University. Prior to joining CT NOFA in July 2015, Jeff worked with the National Audubon Society in Greenwich, CT for ten years; with SoundWaters, Inc. in Stamford for eight years; and has collaborated with many conservation organizations over the last two decades. In 2013, Jeff was presented the Paul Keough Award by the Northeast Water Environment Association in recognition of his communications leadership to increase public awareness, understanding, and personal actions to protect water quality and the environment.

The mission of the Northeast Organic Farming Association (CT NOFA) is to ensure the growth and viability of organic agriculture, organic food, and organic land care in Connecticut. We envision a healthy, organic Connecticut founded on ecologically, socially and economically just principles. In addition to our food-based initiatives, CT NOFA also runs the NOFA Organic Land Care program to train the next generation of organic landscapers, land managers, and conservationists.

Science on Screen® is a film series that features “creative pairings of classic, cult, and documentary films with lively introductions by notable figures from the world of science, technology, and medicine.” Real Art Ways was one of the eight original theaters chosen nationally to curate our own series.

Science on Screen® is an initiative of the COOLIDGE CORNER THEATRE.
With major support from the ALFRED P. SLOAN FOUNDATION.

Science on Screen