
DATE CHANGED: Puppetry Workshop
Artist Elizabeth Phelps Meyer will lead a stop-motion animation and puppetry workshop in conjunction with her current exhibition “Metanoia,” now on view.
In this workshop, participants will learn about the art of stop-motion animation using a professional figurative armature. Participants will work in teams (of 2-3 people each) both to help construct armatures using kits, and to make short videos using already assembled armatures, a small animation stage, a green-screen, and a DSLR camera mounted to a tripod and tethered to a MAC computer. Non-drying clay will also be available for modeling onto the armatures as each team prepares to make their video by creating a “character” to animate.
As they make video, participants will also learn and employ the technique of “rotoscoping” using real-time video they shoot, and the software i-stop motion, in order to represent human movement in a convincing way. At the end of the workshop, participants will enjoy screening the videos created by each team.
The workshop will last 6 hours, with a break for lunch (participants are responsible for making their own lunch arrangements).
DATE CHANGED – Now scheduled for Saturday Dec 12
Thank you to everyone who RSVP’d for this event! All slots are now full. If you would like to be added to the waiting list, please send an email to Zoe Allison at zallison@realartways.org
About the artist
Elizabeth Phelps Meyer is a Real Art Ways/VAN Artist-In-Residence