Riverwood Poetry Series
The Series takes place in-person on the second Wednesday of the month from September 2022 through May 2023. Each night begins with a poetry reading featuring regionally- or nationally-known poets, followed by an open mic – one poem, one page.
The authors’ book will be available to buy for book signing and conversation. Beer, wine, soft drinks, and snacks will be available for purchase.
Bring a friend! Free of charge. Ample parking available at Real Art Ways. Audience mask wearing is encouraged, but not required.
March’s Poets:
Julie Choffel
Julie Choffel is the author of the The Hello Delay (Fordham UP) and, most recently, the chapbook The Inevitable Return of What We Do Not Love (Finishing Line Press). Born and raised in Austin, TX, she now lives near Hartford and teaches at the University of Connecticut.
Aaron Caycedo-Kimura
Aaron Caycedo-Kimura is a writer and visual artist. He is the author of two poetry collections: the full-length collection Common Grace (Beacon Press, 2022), and Ubasute, which won the 2020 Slapering Hol Press Chapbook Competition. His honors include a MacDowell Fellowship, a Robert Pinsky Global Fellowship in Poetry, a St. Botolph Club Foundation Emerging Artist Award in Literature, and nominations for the Pushcart Prize, Best of the Net, and Best New Poets anthologies. His has appeared or is forthcoming in Beloit Poetry Journal, Plume Poetry, Poetry Daily, RHINO, Pirene’s Fountain, Cave Well, and elsewhere. He currently serves as a member of the Slapering Hol Press Advisory Committee and as a reader for Beloit Poetry Journal. Aaron earned his MFA in creative writing from Boston University and is also the author and illustrator of Text, Don’t Call: An Illustrated Guide to the Introverted Life (TarcherPerigee, 2017).
John Stanizzi
A former Wesleyan University Etherington Scholar, and New England Poet of the Year (1998), John Stanizzi has just been awarded an Artist Fellowship in Creative Non-Fiction – 2021- from the Connecticut Office of the Arts and Culture for work on his new memoir, Bless Me, Father, For I have Sinned.
John’s work has been widely published in Prairie Schooner, American Life in Poetry, Praxis, Rust and Moth, The New York Quarterly, Paterson Literary Review, the Laurel Review, Heron Clain, Impspired, the Caribbean Writer, Blue Mountain Review, Tar River, Poetlore, Rattle, Potomac Review, the Cortland Review, Stone Coast Review, Hawk and Handsaw, Plainsongs, and many others.
About Riverwood Poetry Series

The Riverwood Poetry Series, Inc. is a non-profit arts organization committed to the promotion and appreciation of poetry in Connecticut. RPS, Inc. is invested in providing entertaining and thought-provoking programming, while responding to the needs of our neighbors through community outreach and collaboration. From their Facebook page: “The Riverwood Poetry Series has innovated many programs since our inception, all of them free to the public. We provide entertaining and thought-provoking poetry in a relaxed atmosphere.”