Real Art Ways Helps 3D Print PPE
For Immediate Release
April 20, 2020
For More Information
Megan Bent
Marketing & Communications Coordinator
Real Art Ways & Area Middle School Partner To 3D Print PPE for Medical Professionals
Real Art Ways Cinema Coordinator Ian Ally-Seals has initiated a way to help with the Co-Vid 19 crisis. Ally-Seals, who also teaches at Thomas Edison Middle School in Meriden, is using 3D printers from the school, and space donated by Real Art Ways, to 3D-print mask connectors for medical professionals. The connectors alleviate the pain and stress on the ears from hours of wearing masks. Real Art Ways has donated the use of its gallery and lobby, turning them into a production space.
If you or anyone you know would like to receive surgical mask connectors please contact Ian Ally-Seals directly at iallyseals@realartways.org
The mask connectors help to alleviate pain and pressure on the faces of medical staff as they wear goggles and masks for hours at a time while treating patients. The connector was designed by Quinn Callander a boy scout from Canada. Quinn has publicly shared the file which is now being utilized worldwide.
3D Printers set up in Real Art Ways gallery
Mask connector printed by Ian Ally-Seals
Ian says he first thought of the project by “wanting to use my time in a way that is helpful.” Ally-Seals started 3D printing on April 7. He has been able to print between 70 to 100 surgical mask connectors a day.
“When we started doing this I had imagined printing something sexier, like ventilators. What’s interesting though, is as awareness is getting out, requests for these connectors keep pouring in. Medical staff are reaching out saying, ‘Please can we have these.’ ” So far, mask connectors have been delivered to the Institute of Living in Hartford, Burke Rehabilitation Hospital In White Plains NY, Gorham Family Dentistry Gorham, NH, a group nurses in Meriden, and a large order is scheduled to go out to Middlesex Health in Middletown, CT today.
The project has become a family collaboration. Ian’s father, Paul Seals, whose business, Paul’s Appliance Repair in Hartford, has been temporarily shut down, has joined his son. Paul trained himself in 3D printer maintenance and has been coming into Real Art Ways to keep the 3D printers up and running.
Paul Seals working on 3D printer maintenance
If you or anyone you know would like to receive surgical mask connectors please contact Ian Ally-Seals at iallyseals@realartways.org